Whether it’s unusual formats or small or particularly large batch sizes: regardless of the complexity, flexo printing can execute any preprint project at an optimised cost and is the top choice for many packaging enterprises in terms of quality and efficiency.
CI and belt: Christiansen Print makes the most of the array of technology in the field of flexo printing.
In Ilsenburg, we produce goods on two of the world’s largest, most modern central-cylinder flexo printing presses. The roll preprint on our identical Bobst 96 S CI (Fischer & Krecke) presses allows us to print at high speed and with little waste, producing precision print images in continuous print lengths of up to 2.06 m.
The Christiansen Print site in Garancières, France, uses the most innovative belt technology on CONPRINTA systems. Especially large print formats of up to 4.5 m can be executed on this flexo printing unit both cost-effectively and mostly in a single piece.
Thanks to this unique technical set-up, we offer an outstanding array of printing options, always guaranteeing best-quality performance, highly secure deliveries, and flexibility for all flexo printing projects. This creates valuable synergies worldwide, for corrugated cardboard processors and branded companies alike.
High-quality flexo pre-printing is suitable for many areas of application and particularly cost-effective for medium to large print runs. This is especially true if your packaging project requires outsize dimensions: thanks to the use of belt technology, flexo printing allows for print lengths of up to 4,752 mm.
This makes flexo printing a first-class alternative to offset printing. In comparison, the latter requires higher grammages (standard: 180 g/m²) and, unlike flexo preprint, is subject to significant restrictions in terms of format and the quality of the paper used. Flexo printing is also distinguished by its superlative print quality, even with oversized formats.
The immediate advantage of pre-printing over high-quality post-printing, or direct printing on corrugated cardboard, is the lack of a washboard effect. With Flexo PrePrint, the liners are printed before being applied to the corrugated cardboard substrate. This allows you to achieve impressive printing quality even with low grammages. Similarly high-quality print results can be achieved in HQPP simply by using higher grammages and extra materials and costs.